On April 22 and 23, the first “Train the trainer” of the EU-NETS project has been held in Vigo, Spain. This event is framed within the activities of work package number 2 “Energy Community Manager Training Course Design and Implementation”, with the purpose of validating and complementing the training material generated so far, with the expertise of stakeholders from the different countries involved.

The didactic content was developed over two days, with clearly differentiated approaches. On the first day, 22 April, an interdisciplinary debate was held in the CITEXVI building with experts from different knowledge areas (Technical, Economic, Legal, as well as Social and Organisational) entitled “Multidisciplinary Analysis of the Evolution, Challenges and Opportunities of Energy Communities”. On the second day (23 April), the CMVMC of Tameiga was visited, where its managers explained the history of the organisation, what energy initiatives they are carrying out and which are their main barriers for development.

The event provided an opportunity to analyse the evolution of the energy communities in Spain in recent years in the different thematic areas, as well as to determine the key variables that will condition their future development. In addition, the challenges that are hindering the deployment of these organisations, but also the opportunities they have as one of the key elements in the transformation of the European energy system, were discussed.
