The final results expected in EU-NETS project is the definition of a specific vocational training path for the new professional figure of Energy Community Manager.

To achieve this goal, the project will produce the following intermediate results during its implementation

1) a comprehensive analyses of the state of in EU for the energy communities development;





2) the development of ad hoc training modules for the new professional figure, they will include a mix of subjects able to cover all the aspects of the Energy Communities, from the strategic governance to the daily management, including the legal and financial aspects. The course will a include specific session on social innovation;

3) a train the trainers action that will consist in the identification of 9 trainers, 3 for each country partner;

4) the implementation of pilot training courses in Italy, Greece and Spain. The courses will be carried out by the trainers attending the train the trainers action and will involve at least 45 students;

5) the creation of an online learning platform, where the didactic material will be available for online training courses and other interactive services will be available;

6) the implementation of a proper communication action to ensure the long term sustainability of this action.